Design Scheme Assignment

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Basic Elements of Life

Living organisms may appear to be vastly different externally, but molecularly are very similar. Should you analyze the molecular composition of any form of life, you will find one element that's always present: carbon. Carbon is the foundation of life as we know it. Every living organism contains carbon. Since a neutral carbon atom only has four valance electrons (electrons in the atom's outer electron shell), it can form bonds with four other atoms simultaneously, giving a carbon atom almost ideal conditions to form very long chains of molecules that serve as the foundation of life as we know it. Some examples of carbon-based chains are lipids, DNA, and proteins.


While carbon is the only element that is present in all life forms, there are others that are also very prevalent and important to creating life. The five most common molecules found in living organisms are represented by the acronym "CHONPS": Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur. These elements are the most abundant elements found in living organisms like, for example, humans. About 99% of a human is made up of these six elements.